KarmaFX Synth Modular has been updated to v1.10.

- Added recording functionality to the sampler module.
- Added copy & paste buttons to the pattern module for easier pattern duplication.
- Added "New" item to input menus that adds a new default module and automatically patches it to the respective module or knob.
- The "New Bank" menu item has been removed from main pop-up and added to the bank selection menu instead.
- Re-enabled the non-resetting, analog-style envelope attack (was disabled in v1.07). An "Analog" option has been added to the ADSR envelope attack knob. This option is on by default.
- Added "Crossfade Sustain Loop" option to right click menu in Sampler. If sustain is enabled this will alter the sample to create a seamless sustain loop by crossfading the attack/sustain/release areas.
- The keyrange/velocity view in sampler has been extended to also show the ranges of any pressed keys.
- A sample selection region can now be resized by shift-left dragging mouse close to the borders of the region.
- Shift now has to be held down when pressing up and down arrows in sampler to autoload samples from disk.
- A modules input menu now grays out the item that makes it patch to itself.
- Shift-double clicking on sample area in sampler now selects sustain region/all of sample.
- Default ADSR curve is now set to Exp.
- Location of the output module has been changed in the Empty patch template.
- Bugfix: Amplifier did not respond correctly to all-notes-off midi events. Fixed.Bugfix: Playing multisamples was broken. Sustain was wrongfully enabled when loading some SFZ files. Fixed.
- Bugfix: 303Like Kybd tracking was not working in 4 pole mode. Fixed.
- Bugfix: Fixed possible threading issue when connecting modulators.
- Bugfix: Interpolation across sustain loops in sampler was broken. Fixed.
- Bugfix: Fixed denormal issue in output module.
- Bugfix: Reduced GDI usage.
- Manual has been updated to revision 1.15 (requires fresh install).
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